No. 002 Restoration of Kurabe House 鞍部邸の復元
衛星軌道上 セクター4 2188年
Satellite Orbit | Sector 4 | 2188
鞍部玉緒: …私の実家の 敷地に
二十世紀の中頃に 建てられた
木造平屋の御屋敷が あってね
私のお爺さんから よく聞かされたわ
子供の頃を過ごした 思い出深い家だったって…
Tamao Kurabe: Back on my parents’ property…
…there was a wooden, single-story house.
It was built in the middle of the 20th century.
That humble little place stood for about 100 years.
My grandfather often told me stories about it.
Some of his fondest childhood memories were at that house.
要修正 That's sounds ⇒ That sounds 三浦慶太郎: いいですね 用意してみます
Keitaro Miura: That sounds lovely. I’ll have it produced for you.
鞍部玉緒: 古いフィルムしか 残っていないのだけど…
Tamao Kurabe: You will? But all I have left are old photographs.
三浦慶太郎: こちらで 復元しましょう
Keitaro Miura: That’s fine. I can restore them for you.
鞍部玉緒: ありがとう三浦さん 楽しみね
Tamao Kurabe: Thank you, Miura-san. I'm looking forward to it.
南奈津乃: あら?
Natsuno Minami: Oh?
Were you just on a call with someone else?
三浦慶太郎: …鞍部博士だ
居住区の設計で 相談してたんだ
Keitaro Miura: With Professor Kurabe, yes.
We were discussing the layout of the residential zone.
南奈津乃: そっか… 鞍部玉緒さんって
21世紀 生まれだもんね
ナノマシン治療を 受けているといっても
Natsuno Minami: Oh, that’s right.
Professor Kurabe was born in the 21st century.
She's 120 years old, right?
I know that she's receiving nanomachine treatment…
…but she still looks so young.
三浦慶太郎: 森村博士の 恩師だと伺った
Keitaro Miura: She’s Professor Morimura’s mentor, I hear.
Quite an intelligent individual.
南奈津乃: そりゃあ 人工知能の権威だもん
Natsuno Minami: Well, yeah. She is the foremost expert on AI, after all.
三浦慶太郎: それで… 何かあったの?
Keitaro Miura: Right… Anyway, is something wrong?
南奈津乃: 何かないと 連絡しちゃだめなの?
…私の気持ちが 非常事態だから
今からそっち 行こうかな…と思って
Natsuno Minami: Why dose something have to be wrong for me to call?
Well, I just so happen to have a really urgent problem.
I need emotional support stat. And I need it from you.
just happen to たまたま~する
stat ラテン語で「すぐに、直ちに」の意味
stat call スタットコール◆病院内において非常事態が発生したことを知らせるための全館放送
三浦慶太郎: それは至急対処が 必要だ…待ってるよ
Keitaro Miura: Oh, that does sound urgent. Then I’ll be waiting.